Everyone needs an Estate Plan. 

estate planning charleston and summervilleFailing to plan is planning to fail. We’ve all heard it. And it applies to your estate plan like everything else.

From 2011 to 2017, I served as an associate probate judge for Dorchester County. I saw plenty files in which there was no estate plan. The surviving spouse inheriting with young children, for example. But that’s what South Carolina law provided.

I also saw widows and widowers having to apply for conservatorships for their disabled spouses because they had no power of attorney in place.

Don’t leave your loved ones with a financial mess when you die. Whether its a will-based plan or a trust-based plan, we can help you come up with a plan that’s right for you and your family.

We draft wills, trusts, health care powers of attorney, general durable powers of attorney, and other related estate planning documents. We also discuss the transfer of all other assets, such as retirement plans and insurance, so that you have a comprehensive plan in place. Estate planning is more than just document drafting; it’s protecting a legacy for your loved ones.

Let us help you prepare an estate plan that’s right for you and your loved ones.